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  • image-20230920102423898
  • 内部类:Line +-- Position
  • 可以用.. 来代替-- ,会显示为虚线。
  • 在关系之间使用标签来说明时, 使用 :后接 标签文字。

  • image-20230920102630785

  • 通过修饰符{static}或者{abstract},可以定义静态或者抽象的方法或者属性。

class Ability {
    + use(from: Creature, to: Creature)
    + use(from: Creature)

class Calbash {
    - ability: Ability

    + Calbash(name: String)
    + Calbash(name: String, item: Item)
    + addAbility(ability: Ability)
    + useAbility(from: Creature, to: Creature)
    + useAbility()
    + removeAbility()
    + receiveAttack() {override}

class Creature {
    - active: Boolean
    - name: String
    - item: Item
    - hp: int = 100
    - ap: int = 20
    - mp: int = 20

    + Creature(name: String, item: Item, hp: int, ap: int, mp: int)
    + Creature(name: String, item: Item)
    + Creature(name: String)
    + getName(): String
    + useItem_recover(creature: Creature): Boolean
    + useItem_attack(creature: Creature): Boolean
    + addItem(item: Item)
    + removeItem()
    + move(): Boolean
    + attack(creature: Creature, ap: int): Boolean
    + receiveAttack(ap: int)
    + isActive(): Boolean
    + speak(creature: Creature, s: String)
    + speak(s: String)

class Ice {
    + Ice(name: String)
    + active(creature: Creature)
    + deactive(creature: Creature)

class Item {
    - name: String

    + Item(name: String)
    + getName(): String
    + active(creature: Creature)
    + deactive(creature: Creature)
    + recover(from: Creature, to: Creature)
    + attack(from: Creature, to: Creature)

class Monster {
    + Monster(name: String)
    + Monster(name: String, item: Item)

class Rope {
    + Rope(name: String)
    + active(creature: Creature)
    + deactive(creature: Creature)

class Strength {
    + use(from: Creature)

class Treasure {
    + Treasure(name: String)
    + active(creature: Creature)
    + deactive(creature: Creature)
    + recover(from: Creature, to: Creature)
    + attack(from: Creature, to: Creature)

Creature *-- Item : has
Calbash *-- Ability : has
Creature <|-- Calbash
Creature <|-- Monster
Item <|-- Ice
Item <|-- Rope
Item <|-- Treasure
Ability <|-- Strength



  • 实线(Solid Line):(->)实线用于表示同步消息或普通消息的传递。它表示消息的接收者在接收到消息后会暂停执行,并等待发送者执行完毕。在时序图中,通常使用实线来表示一般的消息传递。
  • 虚线(Dashed Line):(-->)虚线通常用于表示异步消息或返回消息。异步消息表示消息的接收者在接收到消息后不会立即暂停执行,而是继续执行其他操作,而不等待发送者执行完毕。返回消息表示消息的接收者已经完成了某个操作,并将结果返回给发送者。在时序图中,通常使用虚线来表示这些异步或返回消息。

  • image-20230920104611899

actor       老头   as oldman
actor       蛇精    as snake  #Black
actor       蝎子精    as scorpion   #Purple
entity      蛛网  as spiderweb #White
spiderweb -[#Green]> spiderweb : 开

snake -[#Grey]> oldman : 告诉
note right
end note

oldman -[#Grey]> snake : 告诉
note left: 哼!有这么请的么?

snake -[#Grey]> oldman : 告诉
note right
end note

scorpion -[#Grey]> oldman : 告诉
note right
end note

snake -[#Grey]> oldman : 告诉
note right: 来来来,我先敬你一杯

oldman -[#Grey]> snake : 告诉
note left: 去你的

oldman -[#Red]> snake : 造成伤害
note left: 掌掴

scorpion -[#Blue]> scorpion : 发怒
note right: 哇呀呀呀呀呀...

scorpion -[#Blue]> scorpion : 前进

scorpion -[#Grey]> oldman : 告诉

note right: 你是不想活了你

scorpion -[#Red]> oldman : 造成伤害
note left: 掐

snake -[#Grey]> scorpion : 告诉
note right
end note

scorpion -[#Blue]> scorpion : 转眼珠

spiderweb -[#Green]> spiderweb : 关


actor User

User -> Scene: main()

activate Scene
Scene -> Line: Line line = new Line(7)

activate Line
Scene -> Line: line.put(Gourd.ONE, 6)
Scene -> Line: line.put(Gourd.TWO, 3)
Scene -> Line: line.put(Gourd.THREE, 1)
Scene -> Line: line.put(Gourd.FOUR, 5)
Scene -> Line: line.put(Gourd.FIVE, 2)
Scene -> Line: line.put(Gourd.SIX, 4)
Scene -> Line: line.put(Gourd.SEVEN, 0)

User -> Geezer: theGeezer = Geezer.getTheGeezer()

activate Geezer
Geezer -> Geezer: private constructor()

User -> Sorter: sorter = new BubbleSorter()

activate Sorter
Sorter -> Sorter: private constructor()

Geezer -> Geezer: void setSorter(Sorter sorter)
Geezer -> Geezer: String lineUp(Line line)

Sorter -> Sorter: void load(int[] elements)
Sorter -> Sorter: void sort()
Sorter -> Sorter: String getPlan()

Geezer --> Sorter: Sorter sorter
Geezer --> Line: Line line

Sorter --> Geezer: String plan

Geezer --> Geezer: void execute(String step)

User -> FileWriter: writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("result.txt"))
activate FileWriter
User --> User: Write log to file

User -> FileWriter: writer.write(log)
User -> FileWriter: writer.flush()
User -> FileWriter: writer.close()

deactivate Geezer
deactivate Sorter
deactivate FileWriter
deactivate Line
deactivate Scene
